Get the Free Church Branding Checklist

You will have all the steps you need to help you rebrand your church like a pro.

This checklist will guide you through the key areas that allow a church to cut through the noise and get noticed. You will know where to focus your efforts and what to do to get it right.

Michael has branded hundreds of churches for over a decade. He has put together this ultimate guide to help you get your church's brand right so more people find you.

  • For the pastor who wants to go further faster
  • For the communications director who wants to implement a needed change
  • For the designer who is going 100 MPH but is not sure they are getting it right

Fill out the form below to get the checklist emailed to you.

When you sign up, you'll also get my course that has helped hundreds of churches see an increase in new guests.

The course will come to your email inbox so be on the lookout for the first of 3 parts.